The Post-Election Shift in the Political Alignment of Business Travelers

Every week, we're publishing regular updates of data and insights generated by Morning Consult's AI Chat, an interactive, real-time intelligence tool that helps you instantly surface brand insights from our global, always-on survey data. All the data, charts and insights you see here are pulled directly from Morning Consult AI's response when we asked the question above.
When examining the trend in party identification among frequent business travelers:
- Democratic Identification: This has declined over time. It started at 39% and has decreased to 30%, with its highest point at 51% back in 2023. The lowest was observed more recently, at 25%.
- Republican Identification: In contrast, there's been a significant increase. It began at 26% and has risen to 44%, with peaks reaching as high as 52% recently.
- Independent Identification: This group has also seen a decline, starting at 35% and ending at 26%. The highest was in early 2023 at 36%.
Overall, there's a noticeable shift towards Republican identification among regular business travelers, with both Democratic and Independent identifications decreasing over time.
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