Decision Intelligence

About Our Data

How our survey research technology helps customers understand what people think around the world in real time.

Dedication to Data Quality

Collecting survey data online is easy, but collecting high quality survey data requires exceptional attention to detail. Our team of survey experts are constantly monitoring and refining our processes to deliver data you can trust.


Taking a holistic view of sample and survey quality to promote unique, representative, valid, attentive, and honest respondents


In-depth panel vetting, secure survey link authentication and digital fingerprinting to ensure authentic, unique respondents


Real-time, in-survey attention checks to promote authentic responses while reducing response burden


Automated pattern detection monitoring and routine benchmarking by a team of survey research experts

How We Collect Data

High-quality data collection is at the foundation of everything we do at Morning Consult. It’s how we survey over 30,000 people around the world every day.

Data Collection Technology

Morning Consult’s proprietary technology connects with a diverse global network of trusted survey panel providers that reaches tens of millions of adults globally. Dynamic bidding algorithms reduce costs and field time while eliminating human error and collecting sample as efficiently as possible. Data is processed and delivered in near real-time so customers can access their data when it matters most.

Quota Sampling and Weighting

Morning Consult collects respondents via quota sampling with strata defined by age, gender, educational attainment, and/or language spoken across 600+ different strata every day. After data collection, Morning Consult applies weights using iterative proportional fitting, or “raking.”  For our syndicated data, we conduct our weighting using a combination of age, race, sex, educational attainment, and region, though each country’s weighting scheme is adapted based on local considerations. For customer programs, we utilize the appropriate weighting method and model for custom populations based on official government surveys and census data.

Benchmarking & Validation

Morning Consult has set up automated processes to compare our data with external data sets. We continually benchmark against a number of measures from large-scale government surveys. In the example here, we benchmarked self-reported vaccination status from our syndicated research against government-provided vaccination rates.

Watch the Webinar

Inside Morning Consult’s Survey Research Technology

We love data collection so much we’ve made a blog about it.

Leading the Decision Intelligence Category

Making data-driven decisions is more important than ever in today’s fast-changing world. But for many, the transition to becoming an organization that uses data to make decisions is aspirational.

The decision intelligence category is designed to solve that need: By pairing data with artificial intelligence, this fast-growing category is helping leaders make decisions in real time and at scale.

While artificial intelligence is a significant factor in decision intelligence technology, the success of the category is null if it’s not rooted in a strong foundation of quality data. Morning Consult has invested in the decision intelligence category by building an infrastructure prioritizing the collection of high quality, high-frequency survey research data, designed to offer the necessary context and foresight needed to deliver on the category’s promise.

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Talk with our team of survey data experts

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