Updated on Feb 19, 2025
Updates quarterly

Soft Power Rankings

Morning Consult's Soft Power Rankings provide monthly assessments of the degree of soft power exhibited by a given nation or international organization, measured as global average net favorability of that entity among 42 peer countries. Data reflects a one-month aggregate of daily surveys fielded from Jan. 1-31, 2025.
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Source: Morning Consult Political Intelligence. Countries are sorted by global average net favorability, defined as the global average share of respondents holding favorable views of the indicated country minus the share holding unfavorable views. Respondents’ views of their own country are omitted when calculating the rankings.

Data Downloads

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Trended Data File
A trended, sortable XLSX data file covering historical monthly data on global average net favorability of countries and international organizations among adults.
Chart Pack
Production-ready trended charts covering global and regional average net favorability of countries and international organizations among adults, and cross-country soft power rankings.
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International Organization Rankings

Net favorability of each of the following among global adults:
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Source: Morning Consult Political Intelligence. Organizations are sorted by global average net favorability, defined as the global average share of respondents holding favorable views of the indicated organization minus the share holding unfavorable views. Respondents from countries which are members of each organization are omitted when calculating the rankings.

A companion quarterly chart pack featuring global average approval of countries and international organizations, including charts with the full approval scale, and trended data on views of major markets by region is available for download to Morning Consult Pro subscribers.

Trended global average views of geopolitically important actors

Net favorability of each of the following among global adults:
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Net favorability is the global average share of respondents holding favorable views of the indicated entity minus the share holding unfavorable views. Respondents’ views of their own country are omitted from the calculation, as are E.U. respondents when calculating the European Union metric.
Source: Morning Consult Political Intelligence

Companion Research & Analysis

  • Email Briefing: Morning Consult Counter/Consensus is a biweekly, publicly available briefing that provides pithy, empirically-grounded forecasts derived from our political data assets.
  • Morning Consult’s Global U.S. Reputation Tracker measures views of America across 42 global markets and provides sector-specific metrics of country of origin effects.

Commercial Data Access

All data featured in this tracker derives from Morning Consult Political Intelligence, our flagship commercial data product measuring political attitudes in 43 countries on a daily basis. Contact us with inquiries.


About Morning Consult

Morning Consult is a global decision intelligence company changing how modern leaders make smarter, faster, better decisions. The company pairs its proprietary high-frequency data with applied artificial intelligence to better inform decisions on what people think and how they will act. Learn more at morningconsult.com.

Email [email protected] to speak with a member of the Morning Consult team.

Data Sources & Methodology

Data points featured in this tracker represent intra-month aggregates of daily surveys. Bar chart values correspond to the latest full month of data; countries in that chart are sorted by average global net approval.

All data was collected through Morning Consult’s proprietary survey research capabilities. All interviews are conducted online. Data is weighted to approximate representative samples of adults in each country. Weighting parameters and target populations vary by country.

Consult our Global Political Intelligence Methodology Primer for additional details on sampling and data collection procedures, weighting and representativeness, margins of error, and question wording.

Sonnet Frisbie
Deputy Head of Political Intelligence

Sonnet Frisbie is the deputy head of political intelligence and leads Morning Consult’s geopolitical risk offering for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Prior to joining Morning Consult, Sonnet spent over a decade at the U.S. State Department specializing in issues at the intersection of economics, commerce and political risk in Iraq, Central Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. She holds an MPP from the University of Chicago.

Follow her on Twitter @sonnetfrisbie. Interested in connecting with Sonnet to discuss her analysis or for a media engagement or speaking opportunity? Email [email protected].